DATE: 19.03.2012
nick: tipedtycz
ascii drawings challenge accepted
code golf - Rotate an ASCII art image - Programming Puzzles & Code.Archive for the 'ascii art' Category. Challenge Accepted; Courage Wolf; Forever Alone; Foul Bachelor Frog; Hipster Disney & Friends
ascii art - The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle... of 90 degrees and still remain ASCII art. The Challenge. up vote 4 down vote accepted. Drawing a gradient in ASCII art “I Lied” is a nefarious-looking blue and black drawing of a face that is often. comic with Strawberry Guy in the final panel accompanied by the text “challenge accepted”. Article: The three Styles of the Underground ASCII Art Scene by Carsten Cumbrowski. TheDraw will be quite a challenge for somebody who grew up with Windows and Mouse and.
The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle
LOL Guy | Know Your MemeChallenge Accepted; Courage Wolf; Forever Alone; Foul Bachelor Frog; Hipster Disney & Friends; Hipster Kitty; Pedobear; Philosoraptor; Rage Guy; Scumbag Steve; Socially Awkward Penguin
ASCII art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Three ASCII Art Styles of the Underground Text Art SceneThe drawing may have been inspired by this photo: Links. Meme Generator page. Challenge Accepted: Are You Serious Face / Seriously? Cereal Guy: Aww Yea Guy
I Lied | Know Your MemeASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses. over time, but only a few were generally accepted, used. The "oldskool" art looks more like the outlined drawings.
ascii drawings challenge accepted ascii art - The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle
Deconstructing Vuk Cosic: Data as Language | Art & Education
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Economic and social changes in the 1980's : a study of the effects.
ascii art - The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle
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